The world may feel like it’s on pause, but that hasn’t stopped the team from going full steam ahead on a fantastic update to 1Password for iOS. We’ve added some new features that make it easier to stay organized and share the essentials with your family and coworkers.
There’s a lot to love about 1Password 7.5, so let’s dive right in.
Stay organized with tags

Tags and favorites make it a breeze to keep everything organized in 1Password. You can use multiple tags on a single item, and there’s no limit to the number of tags you can create. This release rolls out a new tag editor that allows you to effortlessly apply new and existing tags to your items.
Tags can now be added to an item without needing to edit first. While viewing an item, tap on the Add Tag button to unveil the all-new tag editor and make your changes.
Share your items
We’ve made it easier than ever to securely share passwords, documents, and other items with your family and coworkers. Now when you put an item in a shared vault you can send a link directly to the item in 1Password, saving everyone time searching for what they need. Using the link is easy, secure, and gets the other person to the item even quicker.
Sort items with ease

For the longest time I’ve wanted to sort my items in the iOS app with the most recently edited items first. I’ve been testing our new sorting feature in beta for a few weeks, and it’s exactly what I’ve always wanted. Now when I dive into a list of items it’s always sorted just how I would expect.
Here are the all-new sorting options available in 1Password for iOS:
Category. Easily find and manage your logins for social media, shopping sites, and more.
Website. Quickly scan for and find duplicate Login items.
Date modified. Find items that haven’t been updated in a while to verify the information is still valid.
Date created. View items you’ve created recently to finish organizing them by adding tags or sorting into vaults.
Date item was last used. Locate and edit or remove items you haven’t used in years.
Ready now
Along with the new features we’ve outlined here, this release includes improvements and bug fixes to keep everything running smoothly.
1Password 7.5 is available now and we hope you enjoy the update. While you wait for the download to finish, you can read our full set of release notes or pop on over to the App Store and leave us a review.
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